Angular CORS Guide: Examples and How to Enable It (2024)

One of the key tasks of a front-end developer is integrating back-end APIs. However, a lot of times your front-end application needs to communicate with a server that's of a different origin. This could be your own server or a third-party application programming interface you need in your application.

In all these cases, you may often run into a cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) error. But what exactly is CORS? And how can you interact with your back-end services in a hassle-free way? In this post, I'll talk about what CORS is and how you can enable it in your Angular application.

Angular CORS Guide: Examples and How to Enable It (1)

Angular CORS Guide: Examples and How to Enable It (2)

Angular CORS Guide: Examples and How to Enable It (3)

The Origin Story

Before we understand CORS, let's do a quick refresher on how most modern web applications work.

Server-Side Rendered Web Applications

Let's say you're working with a website that sells candy to users. You can have a server that consists of different server-side routes that send back different HTML pages. This is called server-side rendering because your server takes care of everything—serving static files, CSS styles, and images, fetching data from the database, and so on.

Angular CORS Guide: Examples and How to Enable It (7)

Angular CORS Guide: Examples and How to Enable It (8)

Angular CORS Guide: Examples and How to Enable It (9)

Server-side rendered web app.

The above shows how a server-side web app interacts with a user's browser. So when a user visits a web page on your site, your server sends back the desired HTML page.

Web Apps With Decoupled Front End and Back End

The more popular way to create modern web apps is to decouple the front end and back end of your application. Your back end is connected to a database where you store all the information about the candies you sell. Your front end makes a request to the back end to fetch the data and displays it to the user.

Angular CORS Guide: Examples and How to Enable It (10)

Angular CORS Guide: Examples and How to Enable It (11)

Angular CORS Guide: Examples and How to Enable It (12)

How modern web applications work.

As shown above, your front end makes an HTTP GET request to your back end to an endpoint, /candy. Your back end then queries the database and gives the front end a JSON response.

But wait—what is /candy ? That's not a complete URL, right?

Anatomy of a URL

Conventionally, when we say our front end is making a request to an endpoint that begins with /, it means the endpoint is hosted on the same domain as the front end. With respect to our previous example, we can say that both our front end and back end are hosted at

Angular CORS Guide: Examples and How to Enable It (13)

Angular CORS Guide: Examples and How to Enable It (14)

Angular CORS Guide: Examples and How to Enable It (15)

Front end and back end using the same domain.

However, there's more to a URL than just a domain. Since both our front end and back end are running on different servers, despite being on the same domain, they're differentiated by the port number. A URL always has the following three components:

  1. scheme

  2. domain

  3. port

Here's how these three components look in an actual URL. In, the HTTP part is the scheme, the is the domain, and the 80 part is the port.

Angular CORS Guide: Examples and How to Enable It (16)

Angular CORS Guide: Examples and How to Enable It (17)

Angular CORS Guide: Examples and How to Enable It (18)

Anatomy of a URL.

The above three components together constitute the origin of the URL. If two URLs differ in any of the above three components, they have different origins. In the above example, our back end could be hosted at, and our front end could be hosted at mycandysite:8000. Both have different ports and therefore are of different origins.

Browsers' "Same Origin" Policy and CORS

Because of security measures, web browsers impose a "same origin" policy on all web apps. This policy states that a client on a browser can interact only with servers that have the same origin as the client. So in the previous case of a decoupled application, if your front end tries to request a resource from your server, the browser would throw an error. Since each is of a different origin, they aren't allowed to share resources with each other. We call this the CORS error.

Angular CORS Guide: Examples and How to Enable It (19)

Angular CORS Guide: Examples and How to Enable It (20)

Angular CORS Guide: Examples and How to Enable It (21)

CORS error due to browser's same origin policy.

To get around this, you need to tell your browser to enable your client and your server to share resources while being of different origins. In other words, you need to enable cross-origin resource sharing or CORS in your application. If you're still curious and want to learn more about CORS in theory, here's a great guide that dives deeper into the subject. What does a CORS error actually look like? Let's see it inside an Angular application.

CORS in Action

To see CORS in action, we need a small mock server as our back end. Let's create a simple NodeJS and Express application.

Create Mock Server

Inside a directory of your choice, run the following command:

mkdir cors-server && npm init -y && npm i express

Head over to the cors-server folder, and create an index.js file. Inside this file, add the following code:

const express=require('express');

const app=express();

const PORT=5000;

res.send("Welcome to CORS server! 😁")


app.listen(PORT,()=>console.log(`server running on port ${PORT}`))

We've created a server with an endpoint /candy that returns some JSON response. Let's run this server using the following command:

node index.js

And now, if you visit http://localhost:5000/candy, you'll get the following JSON response:

Angular CORS Guide: Examples and How to Enable It (22)

Angular CORS Guide: Examples and How to Enable It (23)

Angular CORS Guide: Examples and How to Enable It (24)

CORS server.

Great! Let's create an Angular application that makes a request to this endpoint.

Create Angular Application

Create a new Angular app by running

ng new angular-cors

Replace everything inside your app.component.html with the following:

<h1>Angular CORS App 😁</h1>

Next, let's head over to the app.component.ts file and make a request to our endpoint.

First, import the HttpClient module as shown:

import { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http';

We'll need to inject this dependency in our component inside the constructor and create an instance of the dependency that we can later use.

constructor(private http:HttpClient){


Then, we'll create a function getCandy() and invoke it inside ngOnInit().Inside the getCandy() function, we'll use the HttpClient instance http to make a request to our endpoint and log the result to the console. Since the getCandy() function is fired inside the ngOnInit(), we'll hit our server as soon as the <app-component/> mounts on the DOM.



Finally, our app.component.ts file should look like this:

import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http';
selector: 'app-root',
templateUrl: './app.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./app.component.css']
export class AppComponent {
constructor(private http:HttpClient){





Let's kick-start our angular application by running

ng serve --port 8000 -open

This should open our Angular application in the browser.

Visit http://localhost:8000 in your browser, and check the console. You'll find a CORS error thrown by the browser.

Angular CORS Guide: Examples and How to Enable It (25)

Angular CORS Guide: Examples and How to Enable It (26)

Angular CORS Guide: Examples and How to Enable It (27)

CORS error in Angular.

Also, the browser has blocked your request, and you won't be able to see the response of the request.

So, how do we fix this CORS error?

Proxy Requests to Enable CORS in Angular

When you're in development, frameworks provide you a neat little hack to get around CORS. If you're using React, luckily, I did a similar post on how to enable CORS in React. Basically, if our Angular application is running port 8000 and our back end is on 5000, we need to proxy requests from port 5000 to port 8000.

Does that sound complex? Let's demystify it! Inside the src folder of your application, create a new file called proxy.conf.json. This is a JSON file that'll contain the configuration for our proxy server. Here, we'll tell our Angular application to act as another server that takes API calls and diverts them to http://localhost:5000.

Inside the proxy.conf.json file, add the following code:

"/api": {
"target": "http://localhost:5000",
"secure": false

Next, we need to inform Angular about this proxy configuration. We can do that by adding a proxyConfig option inside our angular.json file.

"architect": {
"serve": {
"builder": "@angular-devkit/build-angular:dev-server",
"options": {
"browserTarget": "your-application-name:build",
"proxyConfig": "src/proxy.conf.json"

That's it! All you need to do now is restart your server using the ng serve command.

Let's check back in our Angular application's console:

Angular CORS Guide: Examples and How to Enable It (28)

Angular CORS Guide: Examples and How to Enable It (29)

Angular CORS Guide: Examples and How to Enable It (30)

CORS enabled in Angular app.

There it is! We can now see the JSON response from the endpoint. This means that our Angular application successfully interacted with our back-end API while being of a different origin.

Drawbacks of Proxy Servers

The above method works great, but I hate to break it to you that it's only a development-time trick. This means you won't get away with CORS using a proxy server in production. Angular-CLI provides this type of configuration, but not for your production app bundles.

Due to this method's simplicity, it's great to use it to enable CORS in development. For a more logical and foolproof solution, though, you must always enable CORS on the server side.

Fix CORS on the Server Side

To enable CORS on the server side based on our server's configuration, we can set a Access-Control-Allow-Origin property on our response. When the browser receives the response, it receives this property in the headers of the request.

Let's go back to our NodeJS and Express server code. Let's update our request handler with the following code:

res.set('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', 'http://localhost:8000');

Since we mention our front end's origin, we have now enabled our server to interact with any incoming requests from the client running on http://localhost:8000. You can set that value to be whatever you want, depending on which client you want to enable CORS for.

You can also use third-party packages like cors instead as a middleware for all your requests. First, you need to install this package by running:

npm i cors

Next, import it at the top as shown:

const cors=require('cors');

Then, you need to pass it inside your express app as a middleware:


Parting Advice

I hope this simplified CORS for you and showed how you can enable it in your Angular application. For quick prototyping or testing, you can safely use the proxy configuration. However, you must always aim to handle CORS from the server. In situations where you don't have access to server-side code, like a third-party API, you can implement a custom proxy server. All you need to do is make requests to your third-party API from this custom server and hit your own server to consume that data in your Angular application.

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This post was written by Siddhant Varma. Siddhant is a full stack JavaScript developer with expertise in frontend engineering. He’s worked with scaling multiple startups in India and has experience building products in the Ed-Tech and healthcare industries. Siddhant has a passion for teaching and a knack for writing. He's also taught programming to many graduates, helping them become better future developers.



September 15, 2021

Angular CORS Guide: Examples and How to Enable It (2024)


How to resolve CORS issues in Angular? ›

How to fix CORS issues?
  1. One way to fix it is by enabling proper CORS headers request on the server-side.
  2. Another way is to configure Angular CLI proxy.

How to enable CORS policy in Angular? ›

Enable CORS with Proxy Configuration Settings in Angular.

To enable CORS via proxy configuration, we need to generate a src/proxy. conf. json file inside the Angular root folder and also place the following code inside of it. We used the secure property to enable the deliberate use of SSL.

How to enable CORS headers in Angular? ›

To enable CORS on the server side based on our server's configuration, we can set a Access-Control-Allow-Origin property on our response. When the browser receives the response, it receives this property in the headers of the request.

How to enable CORS in Angular 14? ›

To get things started, create your Angular 14 project and create a new file in the src/ directory of your project named proxy. conf. json . This will instruct your development server to proxy all requests that are sent to the /api endpoint and send them to the localhost:3000 address instead.

How do I bypass CORS errors? ›

To get rid of a CORS error, you can download a browser extension like CORS Unblock. The extension appends Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * to every HTTP response when it is enabled. It can also add custom Access-Control-Allow-Origin and Access-Control-Allow-Methods headers to the responses.

How to solve CORS error in TypeScript? ›

We need to get rid of that CORS error. One solution is that we can manually enable CORS on our endpoint for that client. We can do that by adding a key "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" on the header of the response. The value of this key is the URL of the application or client you wish to enable CORS for.

How do I enable CORS configuration? ›

User Guide
  1. Setting up.
  2. Step 1: Create a bucket.
  3. Step 2: Upload an object.
  4. Step 3: Download an object.
  5. Step 4: Copy an object.
  6. Step 5: Delete the objects and bucket.
  7. Next steps.
  8. Access control.

How do I enable CORS requests? ›

There are three ways to enable CORS:
  1. In middleware using a named policy or default policy.
  2. Using endpoint routing.
  3. With the [EnableCors] attribute.
Mar 23, 2023

What header is needed for CORS? ›

The default response headers always exposed for CORS requests are: Cache-Control. Content-Language. Content-Type.

What causes CORS errors? ›

Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) errors occur when a server doesn't return the HTTP headers required by the CORS standard. To resolve a CORS error from an API Gateway REST API or HTTP API, you must reconfigure the API to meet the CORS standard.

How to enable CORS in Angular 12? ›

We need to enable CORS for the resources we want to access using Proxy Configuration settings in Angular.
  1. Step 1) Create proxy.config.json file.
  2. Method 1) Update angular. json file.
  3. Method 2) Update "start" script in package.json file.

How do I enable CORS in Lambda? ›

Enabling CORS in a Lambda Proxy
  1. Go to the AWS API Gateway console.
  2. Select your HTTP Direct API.
  3. Attach your authorizer to your $default route and follow the steps to set it up.
  4. Click Routes.
  5. Click "Create".
  6. Create a new OPTIONS route with a path of /{proxy+}
  7. Attach your HTTP Direct (port 8184) integration to this path.

What is CORS in Angular? ›

CORS is an HTTP header- based mechanism that allows the server to indicate any other domain, scheme, or port origins and enables them to be loaded.

How do I enable CORS origin on my server? ›

CORS on Apache Server
  1. Add/activate module by running the command: a2enmod headers.
  2. Check that your changes are correct by running the command: apachectl -t.
  3. Reload Apache: sudo service apache2 reload.
  4. Check more details here.

How do you check CORS is enabled or not? ›

Use this page to test CORS requests. You can either send the CORS request to a remote server (to test if CORS is supported), or send the CORS request to a test server (to explore certain features of CORS). Send feedback or browse the source here:

Is CORS a backend or frontend issue? ›

CORS or "Cross-Origin Resource Sharing" refers to the situations when a frontend running in a browser has JavaScript code that communicates with a backend, and the backend is in a different "origin" than the frontend.

How do I bypass CORS locally? ›

  1. Use the proxy setting in Create React App. Create React App comes with a config setting which allows you to simply proxy API requests in development. ...
  2. Disable CORS in the browser. You can directly disable CORS in the browser. ...
  3. Use a proxy to avoid CORS errors. Finally you could use a proxy like cors-anywhere.

How do I fix CORS in Web API? ›

You can enable CORS per action, per controller, or globally for all Web API controllers in your application. To enable CORS for a single action, set the [EnableCors] attribute on the action method. The following example enables CORS for the GetItem method only.

What is the response code for CORS? ›

If CORS is not enabled or no CORS rule matches the preflight request, the service responds with status code 403 (Forbidden). In this case, the request is not billed. If the OPTIONS request is malformed, the service responds with status code 400 (Bad Request) and the request is not billed.

How to resolve CORS error in Spring Boot and Angular? ›

To enable CORS via proxy configuration.
  1. Create a file proxy. conf. ...
  2. Add the following content to the new proxy file: { ...
  3. In the CLI configuration file, package.json, add the proxyConfig option to the serve target: Change. ...
  4. To run the development server with this proxy configuration, call ng serve.
Apr 22, 2022

How do I unblock CORS in my browser? ›

In order to allow CORS requests in a web server, you need to configure the server to allow CORS requests. This can be done by adding the following code to the server configuration file: Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*" This code will allow all domains to access the resources on the server.

Does an API need CORS? ›

Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) is a browser security feature that restricts HTTP requests that are initiated from scripts running in the browser. CORS is typically required to build web applications that access APIs hosted on a different domain or origin.

How do I enable cookies in CORS? ›

To allow receiving & sending cookies by a CORS request successfully, do the following. Back-end (server) HTTP header settings: Set the HTTP header Access-Control-Allow-Credentials value to true . Make sure the HTTP headers Access-Control-Allow-Origin and Access-Control-Allow-Headers are set.

How do I enable CORS for all domains? ›

To initiate a cross-origin request, a browser sends the request with an Origin: <domain> HTTP header, where <domain> is the domain that served the page. In response, the server sends Access-Control-Allow-Origin: <domain> , where <domain> is either a list of specific domains or a wildcard to allow all domains.

What is an example of CORS? ›

Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) is a mechanism that supports secure requests and data transfers from outside origins (domain, scheme, or port). For example, uses a text font that's hosted on . When visiting , the user's browser will make a request for the font from .

What is the CORS options method? ›

A CORS preflight request is a CORS request that checks to see if the CORS protocol is understood and a server is aware using specific methods and headers. It is an OPTIONS request, using three HTTP request headers: Access-Control-Request-Method , Access-Control-Request-Headers , and the Origin header.

What is the basics of CORS? ›

CORS is a mechanism that allows restricted resources on a web page to be requested from another domain outside the domain from which the first resource was served. A web page may freely embed cross-origin images, stylesheets, scripts, iframes, and videos.

Is CORS enabled by default? ›

Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) is a protocol that allows apps to send API requests directly from scripts running in web browsers. If you are an account administrator, you can: Enable or disable CORS by default for any apps that authenticate as a user in your account.

What is the difference between host and origin in CORS? ›

The Host is the domain the request is being sent to. This header was introduced so hosting sites could include multiple domains on a single IP. The Origin header is the domain the request originates from.

What is CORS in REST API? ›

CORS means, that calls from other origins (ex. other domain) only allowed if the header contains the CORS value. So, for example if I host a website on and call an RESTful API on the same domain, everything is fine.

How do I add a CORS header to a response? ›

Configure the CORS header support feature
  1. Go to the CDN section in the control panel and click the custom domain of the resource for which you want to configure CORS to open the resource settings. ...
  2. Go to the "HTTP headers" section and click CORS header support.
  3. Enable the feature.
Jan 29, 2023

What are the dangers of enabling CORS? ›

CORS adds another layer of security to help ensure that only trusted domains can access your site's resources. As mentioned above, most CORS vulnerabilities relate to poor validation practices due to response header misconfigurations. These relax security too much and allow non-trusted origins to access resources.

Does CORS prevent request or response? ›

With CORS, the browser blocks requests to different domains, unless particular headers are in place.

Why is CORS blocked by browser? ›

The CORS behavior, commonly termed as CORS error, is a mechanism to restrict users from accessing shared resources. This is not an error but a security measure to secure users or the website which you are accessing from a potential security breach.

What is CORS in Angular 13? ›

CORS, which stands for Cross-Origin Resource Sharing, enables a server to regulate which front-end JavaScript clients may access server resources. It works by delivering HTTP headers with HTTP responses that instruct web browsers whether to allow or deny frontend JavaScript code from accessing responses.

How do I enable CORS in serverless framework? ›

Enable CORS in serverless.

Open serverless. yml and add cors: true option as shown below. Now, deploy the functions again using sls deploy -v . Once deployed, you will notice that OPTIONS methods are created for your API methods.

How to set CORS on JSON server? ›

The easiest way to enable CORS is with the cors library. install it in your project with npm install cors , then require it and add it as a middleware: const jsonServer = require('json-server') // Import the library: const cors = require('cors'); const server = jsonServer.

How do I enable CORS Web XML? ›

  1. How to enable CORS in UIMAPI.
  2. Open web.xml file ~\Nimsoft\probes\service\wasp\webapps\uimapi\WEB-INF folder.
  3. Add below filter before “Front Door Filter”
  4. Restart the WASP.
May 5, 2023

What is CORS for NPM? ›

CORS stands for Cross-Origin Resource Sharing . It allows us to relax the security applied to an API. This is done by bypassing the Access-Control-Allow-Origin headers, which specify which origins can access the API.

Is CORS on client-side or server? ›

CORS is a unique web technology in that it has both a server-side and a client-side component. The server-side component configures which types of cross-origin requests are allowed, while the client-side component controls how cross-origin requests are made.

How do you resolve CORS issues in REST API? ›

To resolve a CORS error from an API Gateway REST API or HTTP API, you must reconfigure the API to meet the CORS standard. For more information on configuring CORS for REST APIs, see Turning on CORS for a REST API resource. For HTTP APIs, see Configuring CORS for an HTTP API.

How to fix preflight errors in Angular? ›

There are basically two ways to solve this:
  1. Configure CORS on the API server respectively - which got eliminated since you have no control over the API server.
  2. Use a proxy server, e.g. the Angular proxy.
Jan 29, 2021

How to fix CORS error in Angular 13? ›

js and Express server, you can use the cors package ( npm i cors --save ) as follows:
  1. const cors = require('cors'); const express = require('express'); const app = express();app. ...
  2. { "/api/*": { "target": "http://localhost:3000", "secure": false, "logLevel": "debug" } }
Apr 23, 2022

Why is CORS disabled by default? ›

When dealing with anything other than a GET, CORS also requires a "preflight" request to the API first, to ensure subsequent requests are allowed. This amongst sending the headers back is what the Web API nuget package provides. CORS is off by default for security purposes.

Does CrossOrigin allow all origins? ›

Understanding @CrossOrigin Attributes

By default, it allows all origins. The attribute value will be set in the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header of both the preflight response and the actual response. Allows you to specify a list of headers that will be accepted when the browser makes the request.

How do you solve the CORS problem in Spring Boot? ›

Enable CORS in Controller Method

We need to set the origins for RESTful web service by using @CrossOrigin annotation for the controller method. This @CrossOrigin annotation supports specific REST API, and not for the entire application.

How do I enable CORS in REST API? ›

Enable CORS support on a REST API resource
  1. Choose the API from the APIs list.
  2. Choose a resource under Resources. ...
  3. Choose Enable CORS from the Actions drop-down menu.
  4. In the Enable CORS form, do the following: ...
  5. In Confirm method changes, choose Yes, overwrite existing values to confirm the new CORS settings.

What is the recommended way to avoid CORS issues in local development? ›

  • Use the proxy setting in Create React App. Create React App comes with a config setting which allows you to simply proxy API requests in development. ...
  • Disable CORS in the browser. You can directly disable CORS in the browser. ...
  • Use a proxy to avoid CORS errors. Finally you could use a proxy like cors-anywhere.

How do I fix the problem with CORS in Chrome? ›

i. Turn OFF the CORS plugin, reload the app, at this time you should still get the errors which are correct. ii. Turn it back ON, reload the app, if the APIs are successful, stop here, no need to proceed to iii.

Which package needs to be installed for enabling CORS? ›

In order to enable CORS, we need to install the JSONP package from NuGet (see Figure3).

How do I enable CORS on server side? ›

CORS on Apache Server
  1. Add/activate module by running the command: a2enmod headers.
  2. Check that your changes are correct by running the command: apachectl -t.
  3. Reload Apache: sudo service apache2 reload.
  4. Check more details here.

How to intercept error in Angular? ›

Run the following commands:
  1. ng g c components/demo-component (to create a new component named demo)
  2. ng g s services/api (to create an api service)
  3. ng g interceptor interceptors/error-catching (to create an error-catching interceptor) After running the above commands you should get a project structure like this.

How error is handled globally in Angular? ›

Global Error Handler

This method is called whenever an error is thrown somewhere in the application. The error is passed as a parameter and can be processed further inside the method. In our case a dialog is opened where the error message should be displayed and the error is logged to the browser console.


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